Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fill the frame with your subject

Fill the frame with your subject. Don't be afraid to get closer to your subject. On the other hand, if you're using a digital camera with plenty of megapixels to spare, you can crop it later in software.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Get rid of distracting backgrounds and clutter

Get rid of distracting backgrounds and clutter. If this means you and your friend have to move a little so that a tree does not appear to be growing out of her head, then do so. If glare is coming off the windows of the house across the street, change your angle a bit to avoid it. If you're taking garden photographs, take a moment to get down all the junk you can see. Keep the mess well out of the frame of the picture, and you will end up with much nicer, less cluttered photos.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Keep the lens clear

Keep the lens clear of caps, thumbs, straps and other obstructions. It's basic, yes, but it can ruin a photograph completely. This is less of a problem with modern live-preview digital cameras, and even less of a problem with an SLR camera. But people still make these mistakes from time to time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Get outside

Get outside. Motivate yourself to get out and take photographs. Take several normal 'point and shoot' pictures to get a feel for the lighting at different times of the day and night. Go outside at all times of day.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Take your camera everywhere

Take your camera everywhere. When you have your camera with you all the time, you will start to see the world differently; you will look for and find opportunities to take great photographs. And, of course, you will end up taking more photographs; and the more you take, the better a photographer you will become. Furthermore, if you're taking many photographs of people will get used to you having your camera with you all the time.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Set your camera to one of its automatic modes

Start off with setting your camera to one of its automatic modes, if you have a choice. Most useful is "Program" or "P" mode on digital SLRs. If your photos come out poorly focused or poorly exposed, then start operating certain functions manually.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Always take pictures at the highest resolution possible

Set the camera's resolution to take at the highest resolution possible. So that means that you can crop enthusiastically a higher-resolution version and still end up with something printable.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Easy ways to get better pictures

Many people think they'll improve their photography by buying a very good and expensive new camera. The truth is, in photography, technique is much more important than equipment. And taking good pictures is something anyone can do with any camera, if you practice enough and avoid some common mistakes.

First did you ever read your manual for the camera you have?

Clean the site where the plant is

When you are ready to take a picture in the garden, always look around the subjet. Remove dead flowers, dead leaves.

Also look at the background.

And try not to use Photoshop to clean the picture.

Friday, February 13, 2009

About gardening pictures

First... you should always take names (latin names if possible) of each plant you take in a picture.